What Is A New Superpower
Recently I’ve found myself recommending that my clients PAUSE. Why pause? And why now?
Let’s remember that we’ve all been through a difficult past few years. The pandemic may be coming to a close, but it’s left many of us off balance and unsure about the future. We’ve been through a collective trauma. You may feel detached from this, even as you’ve been living
with it.
I find myself searching for something to put this into perspective. For me this means several things. I look for a book. I check in with my people. Then I remember to slow down and check in with myself. Me.
I do this by pausing.
Even while the pandemic was turning our world upside-down, we were simultaneously trying to keep living our lives, taking care of family, dating, working, playing and learning. There were many things we couldn’t do. And for some, this was indeed a pause.
But if you didn’t get to pause, and probably even if you did, life got more demanding and challenging.
So now, I’m trying to pause pretty often. This is time to think, breathe, and rest my busy brain.
Instead of checking your phone when you have a spare minute, just breathe.
When you take a walk, sometimes turn off the music, the podcast, phone conversation, and the mental “to do” list. Walk, breathe, and look around. Smile at strangers.
When you’ve been learning or listening or wrestling with a problem, pause afterward. Don’t rush to the next task.
When you’re waiting in line, riding a bus, or driving. Take some time in the silence of your mind.
Not every time. But several times a day.
Jon Kabat-Zinn suggests that the cure for overwhelm is doing nothing. The pause is doing nothing for just a few minutes. I recommend 5 to 10 minutes. More than once a day.
I passed this along to a client who was among those that I’ve pursuaded to pause several times in her busy day.
She said, it’s almost like a super power if you can pause in your hyper fast pace life.
So here it is! A new superpower!
The result of this superpower can be more peace, calm, clarity, creativity, and connection in your life.
Need someone to listen to your busy life and tell you to pause?
Need someone to help you develop your other superpowers?
I’m taking in a few new clients next month. Give me a call.